Childhood Diseases & Immunisations

Immunisations will continue as scheduled during the covid outbreak. Please contact the surgery if you have not yet been offered an appointment.

Immunisation Timetable

2 months1ST Dip/Tet/Hib/pert/polio
3/months2nd Dip/Tet/Hib/pert/polio Menc C Rotavirus
4/months3rd Dip/Tet/Hib/pert/polio Men B Pneumococcal
12/13 monthsHib/Men C PCV MMR Men B
2/3 yearsInfluenza
3 years 4 monthsDip/Tet/pert/polio MMR
12/13 yearsHPV        (Given at school)
12/13 years2nd HPV        ”    ”       “
14 yearsTet/Dip/Polio Men ACWY

If your child has missed their school vaccination please contact the following to book an appointment at a local clinic (for ages 0-19):

Kent and Medway School and Community Immunisation Service (click to go to website)
Tel: 0300 123 5205  
Email: [email protected] 

For NHS advice and information on immunisations click here.